Global credit funds & CLO's
October 2020
| Issue 228Published in London & New York.
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October 2020 | Issue 228
CLOs census
CLO census candidates prepare for scrutiny

Sayed Kadiri
The definitive survey of global CLO market service providers is set to go live on 1 October with new categories for the best firms in accounting, CLO analytics and secondary trading platforms
This is the fourth year we are holding the CLO census, which will again feature a dual-track question format. The first set of questions will gauge market opinion on key themes — last year, for example, 31% of respondents cited loan downgrades as the biggest threat to the market, behind loan defaults at 34%.
The second set of questions seeks to uncover the best US and European service providers to CLO firms.
Service providers: get listed
Below are the candidates for the 2020 CLO Census. To add your firm, please email The census will begin on 1 October, with all clients invited to rate the providers they work with.
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