November 2020 | Issue 229
CLO Investor Summit 2020
A virtual event: 12-13 November, 9am, New York

Matthew Andrews

Eli Sokolov

Cathy Bevan

Kevin Bliss
09:00 - Welcome
Sayed Kadiri
and Dan Alderson
, Creditflux
09:15 - Live virtual panel: Allocators outlook
We ask our panel of expert allocators if structured credit in general, and CLOs in particular, still fit into their portfolios. What are realistic return expectations for the asset class? Are they changing how and where they invest in CLOs? And has their approach to manager selection been changed by their experience this year?
10:00 - In conversation: CLOs: dispelling myths and outlook on the year ahead
Matthew Andrews
, managing director & head of structured capital markets, CIFC
10:30 - Live virtual panel: CLO performance outlook
As 2020 draws to a close we ask some of the most experienced figures in the CLO market what we should take away from an extraordinary year. How have CLOs performed, and what do differences between vintages and geographies reveal? What can 2020 tell us about the role of the manager in a deal. And what should we expect for 2021?
11:15 - LP and GP meetings
14:00 - Close
9:00 - Welcome
Sayed Kadiri
Dan Alderson
, Creditflux
9:15 - Live virtual panel: Looking beyond vanilla
The most innovative minds in the industry explore the options available to investors looking to diversify their portfolios beyond vanilla CLOs. How have CBOs and flex-structures performed this year? Is there a role for synthetic alternatives like significant risk transfer deals or bespoke tranches?
10:00 - Fireside chat: Dispatches from the CLO trenches
Two of the top lawyers in the market sit down with Creditflux to discuss what they’ve been seeing recently. What new features are making it to the table, and what are investors pushing back on in the docs this month?
10:15 - Presentation
10:30 - Live virtual panel:
Four top CLO investors walk us through their investment process as they consider the merits of a variety of CLO investment case studies.
11:15 - LP and GP meetings
14:00 - Close
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Global credit funds & CLO's
November 2020
| Issue 229Published in London & New York.
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