Global credit funds & CLO's
July 2020
| Issue 225
Published in London & New York.
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July 2020 | Issue 225
Ucits at a glance
Ucits recover lost ground
The foot has come off the gas for many funds – 57% of funds did not break the 2% return barrier. The other 43% were led by Fair Oaks and Alegra who returned 16.06% and 13.45% respectively. In its monthly commentary, Fair Oaks noted that despite 58% of US CLOs and 65% of Euro CLOs being put on negative watch, only 33% of CLOs held in its fund are on negative watch and all notes are in compliance with their OC tests.
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Fair Oaks Dynamic Credit Fund vs Ucits cumulative returns (%)
Top 3 Ucits funds monthly returns (%)
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